Selasa, 30 Desember 2008

Membuat YM Status Pake Gambar Sendiri

Pertama...bikin dulu scriptnya kaya gini....

if (isset ($_GET[id]))
$data = implode('', file("$id&m=a&t=1"));
{ header('Content-Type: image/gif');
include "off.gif";

header('Content-Type: image/gif');
include "on.gif";}

Simpen pake nama file misalnya 'filephpstatus.php'.
uplot file itu ke situs kamu.
Tinggal pasang dah tuh statusnya.... misalnya

Watermark Master 2.2.8

This program is primarily meant for people who need to protect video or graphics files from illegal copying by putting a watermark (text or graphic information) over an image. Simple text, image file, animated GIF or video file can be used as watermark here. Besides, Watermark Master provides ability to apply a great number of various effects to a watermark, including dynamic effects. A dynamic effect implies variation of the watermark in time, for example, smooth appearance or disappearance of the watermark, movement of the watermark, etc.

With Watermark Master it is possible to put subtitles onto a video film. As the source one can use DVD subtitles or SRT files.

Besides, the program will be useful for users who need to remove a static object (for example, a channel logo or codec artefact) from a video or graphics file. Two functions have been developed for that purpose:
blurring the object - in this case the object is simply blurred according to the specified blur parameters
removing the object - in this case the object is removed, and the removed pixels are compensated with the pixels adjacent to the removed object.

For owners of web servers based on a Windows operating system!
Watermark Master provides remote processing feature. Interface of the feature is comprehensible by intuition and easy-to-use.

Watermark Master is a video converter. In other words, it enables to convert videos from one format into another. Here all the operations concerned with process settings are simplified to the maximum and don't require any special knowledge. A thousand of files can actually be reencoded by one click! If you have an old video archive and want to convert it into one of the modern video formats, make use of Watermark Master to save your time!

Watermark Master has been provided with graphic formats support to enable creation of thumbnails for videos and images. With it you can either save all video frames without exception or extract frames regularly (by specifying subintervals). The process can run simultaneously with encoding of video clips, which makes possible to create video galleries for posterior publishing in the Internet by one click.

Watermark Master can be used for extracting (or removing) scenes of videos. Here you can set custom time span for each file or the same one for group of files.

If you have files where audio and video streams are out of sync, you can use Watermark Master to shift audio stream by a given quantity of time. Furthermore Watermark Master possesses powerful capabilities for video montage. It allows to join video scenes, add a full-frame image into any position of a video file, replace audio stream in a movie, etc, which makes the program suitable for creation of home video.

Watermark Master can handle DVDs as well as VOB and IFO files. The program enables extracting DVD chapters and saving them as either separate files or a single file. Watermark Master provides ability to process solitary VOB files - regardless of whether index files are present or not.

Watermark Master is directed at creation of dynamic watermarks. With it you can add creeping line to your videos. It is common knowledge, that moving text attracts more attention than still. Therefore, if you want not only to protect your video information but also, for example, to conduct an advertising campaign - use this feature to push your site or your production! The feature also may prove to be useful for creation of subtitles for video clips.

Finally, Watermark Master can be used for playback of video files.

Size: 20.6 MB


USB Lock

Protect you rsystem against unauthorised access.


Fast mirror:

Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

Vista Winset 2.5 Portable

Using Vista Winset can accelerate the startup and shutdown systems, to search for unnecessary and duplicate files and remove them, to correct errors in the registry, to hold defragment registry, disable system updates and bug reports. In addition, a result many transactions related to the configuration of the appearance of: You can change the content of contextual menus, set tale of communication, set automatically replaced wallpaper. Optimizes work with the network.

This is portable version of Vista Winset, it's easy portable, and works fine.It's latest version released 23.December.08

Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

Cara Gampang Cari DUIT di Internet

Pagi Bro sori, lom tentu pagi yah.....ngeliatnya di jam komputer sendiri sih....

Nih ada beberapa e-Book tentang cari duit di Internet yang sering diiklanin di blog-blog atau situs-situs lainnya..

ebooknya bisa didonlot di sini

Nah....Tool-toolnya bisa didonlot di sini

Met Belajar............ :)

Source Code Software Pulsa (Bab 1)

Hmmm...Judulnya pas ga ya... yang pasti sekarang ane mo berbagi sedikit nih tentang pemrograman AT Command dengan Visual Basic 6. Software-Software pengisi pulsa otomatis yang beredar pada dasarnya menggunakan metode ini. Pada bab ini saya akan memberikan source code untuk mengenali Tipe HP / Device yang 'nancep' ke komputer. Tutorial ini baiknya 'dipraktekin' pake HP Siemens C55,M55,C60,S57,ato MC60.

Untuk mengenali tipe hp bisa menggunakan perintah at+gmi ato at+cgmi.
Untuk mengenali IMEI hp bisa menggunakan perintah at+cgsn
Hmmm.....duh susah juga ya mengarang....
Gini deh...untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan download source codenya Di sini

Tulisan ini masih berlanjut, berikutnya akan dijelaskan gimana biar semua transaksi dicatet ma komputer..... Ehm....tapi.....tolong klik iklannya dong Bozzzz....sekaliiiiii aja...ya...makasih looohhh itung itung donasi laaaah....

See you next.... :)

Sabtu, 15 November 2008

Bagaimana Membuat SMS Server / Gateway Dengan Visual Basic 6 ?

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